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Safe and Sound: Craft Your Workplace Mental Health Strategy

Februari 23 @ 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm


Workplace mental health, including the psychological health and safety of employees, is experiencing a global shift in perception and importance. No longer seen as a purely individual responsibility solved by an EAP referral, mental health has been identified as a 2024 critical business priority by companies like McKinsey, Accenture, and Deloitte and as a top business risk by MercerMarsh for 2 years in a row. Critical for worker health and safety, risk mitigation, talent retention, innovation, and more, traditional approaches are no longer sufficient to meet the needs of the business. Furthermore, in the US, 32 states are currently reviewing legislation that would make toxic workplaces illegal. With this shift, HR teams are expected to be experts in this area, which can be overwhelming given the enormity of the topic.

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